SLCTA Test Event

SLCTA Headquarters 2055 9th Street, Los Osos, CA, United States

This is a test event for SLCTA. Tell people about how cool this event is going to be and where it's going to be held. You can also insert pictures and cool stuff here. This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more. This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more. This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.This is some bogus text. I can just type and type and type some more.

SLCUSD School Board Meeting

Los Osos Middle School - MP Room 1555 El Morro Avenue, Los Osos, CA, United States

Bingo Scholarship Fundraiser

Veterans Memorial Building 801 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA

Friday, March 13, 2015 at the San Luis Obispo Veterans Memorial Building.  Doors open at 6:30. Tickets available from the Association Office.  Call 528-0566 or email at [email protected]

SLCTA Retirement Reception

Madonna Inn

We currently have 18 SLCTA members retiring from 11 different sites. Join us at the Madonna Inn, Garden Room on May 15th from 4 - 6 to celebrate with these amazing people!