Register now before the Marriott sells out, or CTA negotiated discounted rate of $115 expires.
Come help us celebrate our 40th annual CTA Region III Leadership Conference. The conference is open to all CTA members from Region III. You’ll have lots of opportunities to network with other like minded educators while learning in a fun and supportive environment.
Highlights of Some Session Titles Include:
- CTA 360 and MyFalcon-Using the Power of Data to Organize
- Treasurers Training
- Health Benefits and the Affordable Health Care Act
- Bullying at the Workplace
- Using Technology and Social Media to Engage Members
- Recent Legal Trends, Cases and Decisions
- Using Union Values and Issues to Create a Local Organizing Culture
Click here to download the current list of workshops.
Date: March 11-13, 2016
Location: Warner Center Marriott Woodland Hills
Registration Rate: $215